class Phoenix::Socket


A single connection is established to the server and channels are multiplexed over the connection. Connect to the server using the Socket class:

socket =
  params: {"userToken" => "123"}

The Socket constructor takes the endpoint of the socket, the authentication params, as well as options that can be found below, such as configuring the logger, and heartbeat.

Defined in:


Constant Summary


Default heartbeat interval in milliseconds

DEFAULT_RECONNECT_AFTER_MS = Proc(UInt32, UInt32).new do |tries| [1000_u32, 2000_u32, 5000_u32, 10000_u32].fetch(tries - 1) do 10000_u32 end end

Default reconnection timeout implements stepped backoff


Default timeout in milliseconds to trigger push timeouts

VSN = "2.0.0"

Wire protocol version


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : URI | String, headers : HTTP::Headers =, timeout : UInt32 = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, encode : Message -> String = ->(msg : Message) do Serializer.encode(msg) end, decode : String -> Message = ->(raw_msg : String) do Serializer.decode(raw_msg) end, heartbeat_interval_ms : UInt32 = DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS, reconnect_after_ms : UInt32 -> UInt32 = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_AFTER_MS, logger : String, String, JSON::Any -> ? = nil, params = {} of String => String) #

Create a socket with a provided endpoint URI or string

socket ="")

Optionally provide keyword arguments for the following:

  • headers: connection headers
  • timeout: timeout in milliseconds to trigger push timeouts
  • encode: proc to encode outgoing messages
  • decode: proc to decode incoming messages
  • heartbeat_interval_ms: millisecond interval to send a heartbeat message
  • reconnect_after_ms: proc that returns the millisecond reconnect interval
  • logger: proc for specialized logging
  • params: params to pass when connecting

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def : String = "localhost", path : String = "/socket", port : Int32? = 4000, tls : Bool = false, headers : HTTP::Headers =, timeout : UInt32 = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, encode : Message -> String = ->(msg : Message) do Serializer.encode(msg) end, decode : String -> Message = ->(raw_msg : String) do Serializer.decode(raw_msg) end, heartbeat_interval_ms : UInt32 = DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS, reconnect_after_ms : UInt32 -> UInt32 = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_AFTER_MS, logger : String, String, JSON::Any -> ? = nil, params = {} of String => String) #

Create a socket with a provided host, path, port and tls state

socket =
  host: "", path: "/socket", port: 80, tls: false

Optional keyword arguments may be provided as above.

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Instance Method Detail

def channel(topic : String, params = {} of String => JSON::Any) : Channel #

Initiates a new channel for the given topic

channel ="topic:subtopic")

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def connect #

Initiates the WebSocket and spawns a connection fiber

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def connected? : Bool #

Whether the socket is connected or not

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def disconnect(callback : -> ? = nil, reason : String? = nil) #

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def on_close(&block : String -> ) #

Registers callbacks for connection close events

socket.on_close do |raw_msg|
  puts "close callback: #{raw_msg}"

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def on_error(&block : String -> ) #

Registers callbacks for connection error events

socket.on_error do |raw_msg|
  puts "error callback: #{raw_msg}"

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def on_message(&block : String -> ) #

Registers callbacks for connection message events

socket.on_message do |raw_msg|
  puts "message callback: #{raw_msg}"

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def on_open(&block : -> ) #

Registers callbacks for connection open events

socket.on_open do
  puts "open callback"

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def remove(channel : Channel) #

Removes a previously initiated channel

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